Monday, March 31, 2008


The easter Egg hunt at stacey's house was pretty neat! Her mom puts out a "prize egg" and guess who sniffed it out??? yep yours truly! the prize egg was $50 and then there was some 20's 10's 5's and lots of ones! between Stacey and i we got $111 and a $20 gift card to Robintiono's!

Lucy apparently got to all the Easter eggs before the rest of us! ha ha she might be the chunkiest baby of all time in this picture!

The Easter Bunny left a basket at my house for a Sniggadu!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Luke & Holly's Wedding!

Saturday night Sniggadu and i were invited to our friends, Luke and Holly's wedding, at the Hidden Valley Country Club.. and let me tell you it is very hidden too! It was a very nice wedding dinner with a 3 course meal that was delicious! and they had a bar tender serving sodas too which of course i enjoyed! it was a fun night dining in our nice clothes with friends!